Thursday, July 15, 2010

This Magic Moment

She could see the lights of the freeway flashing by like the stars of and unknown galaxy. A few hours closer to where she was going. A few hours farther from where she had been. Lightyears separated her mind from either,which is where she seemed to stay. You never really knew what was in her brain,what she was thinking.
She would never tell you,and asking what she was thinking was a hit and miss game itself. Being dealt either a straight answer or something vague,almost as if she didn't even know what she was thinking. But she did. Yearning for so many things,dreaming as if it was going out of style,thinking of the living moment. What was happening at the very second.
She was thinking of that now empty highway,the stars in the sky,the song on the radio,the guy in the backseat,and how she wished this would never end.
As she combines the components in her mind she knows that in this moment,it never will.

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