Saturday, July 4, 2009

you take me

You grab me by the waist
You kiss my lips to yours
It was less than a year
My fears opened your doors

The night silent
Sticky like the sweat
It was created

You take my had
Lead me much deeper than
A threat
I dip in my feet

Such sweet resistance
It comes from the core
You take me by the soul

Open up the door
Not welcome anymore

You tangle me up
Like sheets
I lie in them no more
Closing the door

missing the muse

Have I become empty?
Why can't I write it down?
There is pen and paper
All I do I lie down

I try so hard now
To make something flow
This blank girl
Is waiting for her muse to show

The time ticks by
All I can do is cry
All I can ask is why
Did my spirit have to die?