Sunday, August 22, 2010

Save the music

When songs are written they often stem from an emotion or an event and some make no sense at all. Then you have specifics;the cliche for a girl or a boy or about a girl or a boy. Some songs praise,and others are left to be interprited by the listener alone.
Everyone listens to music in different ways. Some focus on the beat,some on the melody,some on the lyrics.
I am a lyric person,if the lyrics attract me then I will usually end up liking all of the other elements that make the song what it is. I also tend to disreguard the specifics of songs. I feel that a song is for the listener to relate to,wether is be meant for one person or wether it addresses the world.
I feel at some point one should forget about all the bullshit and their personal opinions about the artist of a song. Because there are a fair number of good songs that get pissed on because people don't like what they are fed about the artist...why punish a good song because you don't like the person who sings it?
When it comes down to it songs are written and sang to be heard by the masses,they are meant to be is pretty much their job to get listened to. And I think that no matter the specifics of a song,that they are made to be universal,for people of every age,gender,race to listen to.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Holes in the floor aren't always a bad thing.

Death is a weird thing. Nobody ever really knows when it is their time. And when people die,people often wonder if they are still there in spirit,even though their physical bodies have passed.
I was going through the lyrics of the song Holes in the Floor of Heaven and it got me to thinking about how the lyrics in that song can sometimes feel real. Well at least on a personal level. I know for me it seems really real when I think about it.

My grandma die of lung cancer when I was 14,and I was devestated. I spent a lot of time with her,and she was like my second mom. She had so much faith in me. I remember we had conversations about my high school graduation and how we would both be happy for that day. I knew she really wanted to be there on that day,it was important to her as it was to me. But as things were,she would not be able to make it.
It rained on the day of my graduation. And it rains on days when I am really sad and heartbroken and I pray for a way to know that someone cares.

Most would think of the rain as a curse when it happens on important days like that,but for me it is a blessing and it gives me some hope that my grandma still watches over me to this day.I am forever glad that she gets the chance to do so.

The song goes:
because there's holes in the floor of Heaven
and her tears are falling down
that's how you know she's watching
wishing she could be here now
sometimes when i'm lonely
i remember she can see
yes,there's holes in the floor of heaven
and she's watching over you and me

All the while I have to remember to not dwell in the what use to be's. Because life happens while you dwell on the past and think about what might happen. I'm not saying you should stop making plans,or forget about back when,I just think it is important not to linger. The dead are dead physically,but that does not mean the spirit is dead to. That is indeed still alive and well,and it helps keep it alive if you keep living because if the situation be the death of a loved one like my grandmother,they would love nothing more than to see you do that.
To keep living is a precious gift.

Let the rain fall.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wisdom,if you could call it that.

When you are caught head banging while eating your cereal in the morning:Keep head banging.
If you know the song:Sing it,because you know you will feel so much better about life if you do.
Be honest all the time:People might hate you for it in the beginning,but they will get over it.
Ask questions:It does not mean you are dumb,it just means you are willing to learn.
Road rage is okay:Until somebody gets out of their car in traffic to deal with it.
People think ill of you because of the stereotypes attached to where you are from:Forget about it,they are probably stupid anyway.
Not all breakups are the end of a relationship.
The seemingly smallest and easiest things to accomplish in life are often the hardest to,that is probably why the small things seem like they mean more when you do accomplish them.

To be continued...

I just want to remember this dream.

In all seriousness!
I had a pretty messed up, yet epic dream that involved zombies.

I was at a family function, and I left with someone to get some ice from the store in town. I get back with the ice, and zombies start coming out of the forest, and attacking the party. Everyone pulls out guns and such...except for me. I had a friggen hammer! And no one had an extra gun or anything so I was going around killing zombies with my hammer.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

About A Girl

She is the kind of girl who is insecure about some things,but usually never apologizes for who she is. She goes days with out brushing her hair,and still manages to pull it off. She lives inside her head a lot,and doesn't say to much, but when she does it means something. She is afraid of being alone in the physical and emotional sense. She isn't afraid to admit it,and will admit just about anything if you just ask her. She is picky about the guys she chooses to date,and has created a system for weeding out the ones that are not worth her time. She likes to reuse paper sacks as canvas,because she is to broke to buy actual canvas;when she runs out of paint,she uses markers,when her markers run out of ink,she uses crayons and pencils,when they widdle down or break,she uses whatever she can find,and will make a mess of it. She has a collection of old cameras,and likes to go to antique stores and flea markets. She prefers giant headphones over earbuds. She has an insane love for The Beatles. She thinks she cares way to much,and feels that she annoys people,when really they are just shocked that she was paying attention. She wishes she could wear dresses more often,but her slightly large breasts make it hard to find ones that both fit,are flattering,and fit her style. She also feels that you can never go wrong with a simple pair of black flats. She isn't really that in to jewelry,but when she is she likes simple pieces,and hopes someday someone that knows her (well) will give her a simple little necklace like the one she wears all the time now (which she bought herself). She loves dogs,but has a pet cat,and secretly wants a parrot. She loves to travel,but not alone. She make obscure references (often)that nobody ever gets. She has a girl crush on Hayley Williams from Paramore. She wore her high top converse with her big princess dress to her Senior prom. She loves taking hikes. She has a peircing and two tattoos,which makes her the rebel/black sheep of her family. She is not a morning person. She likes holding hands and kissing. She has a love for "bland" cereals. She does not believe that love is dead. She spends way to much time on the internet. She loves just being with people,for the most part. She will tell you she don't know who she is. She is just a girl.
She wrote this.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Some of those secrets

I have so many dreams for my life,but reaching them will mean nothing to me if I'm alone when I get there.
I'm afraid that no one will ever want to understand me.
I will not hesitate to "make myself at home" if you tell me to.
He has been the only guy to ever break my heart and make me fall even more for him at the same exact time.
There have been times when I would have not hesitated to trade being able to be myself for being popular.
I think I'm one of the most awesome people ever.
I often fantasize about how I will meet,fall in love,and live happily ever after with my celebrity crushes.
I like it when people speak directly to me by using my name.
I think "music snobs" are some of the worst kind of snobs in this world.
I feel like a defect because I've never had a relationship last much longer than a month.
If I had the money all of the shirts in my closet would be nothing but youtuber shirts.
I feel dumb when people don't get my obscure references.
I believe that everyone thinks I'm boring and annoying at the same time.
I believe that love is the most simple concept out there.
Every time I mow the yard I have to fight the urge to mow the shape of a giant penis in to the grass.
When I'm alone and I sing out loud,I always stop and correct myself until I think I'm doing it right.
I observe and make up theories about things around me,hoping that someday they will actually be valid in real life.
I have inside jokes with myself.
Every time I hear the word penis,it makes me think of a game my friends in high school would play at lunch.
I want to act with other people the way I act when I am by myself because it would make me happier not because it would make me more interesting to others.
My idea of a work out is listening to Paramore,No Doubt,Halestorm, and Heart,while jumping around and lip synching into my old karaoke mic/rocking it out like it is my job.

(To be added on to....)